January 26, 2016

6 Fun Workouts for the Stay-at-Home-Mom

I haven’t went for a run or to the gym to workout in over a year. I know for a fact it was before I found out I was pregnant with Cam. But I am not the person to just sit around all day and do nothing. Capri and I were always outside playing when the weather was nice and even after Cam was born, I’d put him in the stroller and the three of us would walk around the neighborhood. But now that the bitter cold has hit, I am NOT leaving the house to workout. I’ll leave the house when I need food. And now that I want to get back into shape, I need to be creative in my workouts. So here is my version of 6 fun workouts while I stay at home with the kids:
  1. Stair Climber: I have two floors in my house (actually three if you count the basement but I am not going down there!) The laundry room is upstairs so every time I want to change the laundry I have to climb stairs. So laundry day = extra work out since I go up and down 20 steps each way. I am also considering packing up the pack’n’play/changing table downstairs since I only use it to change diapers and just carry my 20lb. baby upstairs to change his diaper each time.
  2. Treadmill: Capri is three which means she has endless energy. Cam on the other hand is still quite lazy so I put him in the stroller and chase Capri around in circles in my house. My mom once said, “I used to tell you no running in the house but you totally encourage it for your daughter.” Yup…because if she doesn’t run, she gets crabby. So if I run along with her, then I’ll burn some extra calories.
  3. Jumps: I was watching Love Actually not too long ago and the song “Jump (for My Love)” by The Pointer Sisters came on and Capri just started jumping around. So now when we want to jump, I play that song and we jump for the whole 4+ minutes. And Cam even gets in on the action and I have him jump with us!

  4. Push Ups: Capri and I have been trying to teach Cam to push up and roll over lately. Her and I now get in on the fun and push up and roll right along with him. Now she is trying to teach him to crawl and man…crawling is no joke! It hurts my knees! But I bet her and I do 20 push ups at a time trying to get him to copy us.
  5. Exercise Ball: I have one of those huge exercise balls that sat in the basement until I read online that it might help Cam like tummy time more. So I carried the darn thing upstairs and of course Capri made it into a toy. And now I’ve made it into a game that I also get a work out on. We try to jump over the ball, roll over the ball, and even dive for the ball. It is so fun!
  6. Yoga: This is one of Capri’s favorite things to do. I pull out my phone, Google “Yoga poses” and we just pick different yoga poses to intimidate. She obviously doesn’t hold the poses long, but she just thinks it is awesome when she can copy the picture. I'll tell you more about this soon!

What kind of work out do you do that is also fun, and not really a work out?


  1. I just love turning on JAMS and GOING FOR IT!!!! Breaking it down like I am a back up dancer for Justin Timberlake Yo! ;)

  2. I always make it a point to climb the stairs in my house at least 25 times a day. It's a great calorie burner.

    1. I think I'll try to keep track of how many times I go up and down just to see what I really do! I know for certain there are 16 steps because Capri makes me count them all of the time!!!

  3. About the only exercise I have been getting in , is my steps! I have three flights also. My exercise ball got a mysterious slit in it that none of my kids want to claim. I did use that a lot. I miss having my kids they age of your adorable Capri!

    1. That is quite the mystery!! I have also been known to use the hopper ball :) and thank you for the compliment. She is a total threenager most days but I would slow down time if I could. The best is yet to come!

  4. While I love a good at home workout, trust me it saves my routine on most days, I also love the child watch at the gym! I get to workout, and enjoy a good steam and shower on some days! I love park workouts too! Great post!!

    1. At my gym, kids have to be 18 months before I can leave them there and go workout. Is there an age at yours? Trust me...I kinda can't wait for it! 10 months to go for Cam!

  5. After reading you post, there is so much more that I can be doing to workout at home. Kinda wish I had stairs in my house, I know I would get a workout. I walk around the house like a mad woman, in and out of all the bedrooms getting my step counts in.

    1. And some days I wish I didn't have stairs in my house. Go you for still trying to get your steps in!

  6. Until like four months ago I have not been exercising for a while. If I stay at home I don't exercise so I signed up at the gym, and I go four times a week.

  7. I just moved my baby's downstairs changing station upstairs for the exact reason you mention! More stairs = more exercise!

    Great idea to use the big exercise ball. I'll give that a try!

  8. Great list! I am always looks for tips like this so I can squeeze in a work out. The day somehow always gets away from me.

  9. Love these ideas. Working out in the home can be tricky for sure. Thanks for sharing :)

  10. I also love dancing for cardio! But if I'm not home alone, I stick to walking on the treadmill on an incline. :)

  11. Great ideas! I try to climb up the stairs several times throughout the day.

  12. Thanks for sharing these awesome workout ideas for stay at home moms! Easy to do :)

  13. My home office is clear on the other side of the house. I seem to always forget something somewhere else than where I am. The walking exercise is never done.

  14. You definitely need to be creative when you have little ones at home! The stairs alone are a great workout. My Grandmother had her hip replaced and rehabbed at my house on the second floor. I lost so much weight running up and down those stairs all day!

  15. These are such great ideas. I have two young boys so it is very hard for me to workout at home...especially since they like to throw things at me when I'm on the treadmill. Maybe we can have a Pointer Sisters dance marathon instead!

  16. This is great! It's so important to find ways to stay active - even if it's not a full "workout" per se, all these little bouts totally add up! I can only imagine what a challenge it is for busy moms like yourself to make time for fitness, so props to you!!

  17. There are tons of ways to exercise at home! I love the idea. I do those too, especially after I had the twins. I made sure I did exercises everyday.

  18. These are all great tips to get in exercise at home. My laundry room used to be downstairs now I have a one story house.

  19. This is great! I work from home so working out is usually in my house. Right now I'm loving yoga and walk at home videos. If your daughter loves yoga, introduce her to Cosmic Kids Yoga on YouTube. It's super fun. I even do it with my kids

  20. GREAT LIST! These are so simple and easy to do.....moms will LOVE THIS!

  21. These are awesome activities for kids and so good for getting the wiggles out! Thanks for the great reminder!

  22. I hope I can add back exercise into my routine. Those are great workout tips.

  23. A good reminder that workouts don't need a ton of equipment and that you can do then from the comfort of your own home!

  24. I love to do Yoga when I have the time. My daughter tries to do it along too!! So cute :)

  25. We were walking a lot and the pounds were dropping. It was nice!

  26. These are great suggestions. I run up and down the stairs for five minutes a few times a day when I can't go out to walk.

  27. I love to workout with my children present at home. They always join in the fun. It is so much fun to workout with them. I love that I have stairs as well and take advantage of them.

  28. My kids used to love doing Jillian Michaels 30 day shred with me. Now we like to jump rope race.

  29. I like doing yoga, sometimes my kids does it with me. Now that the weather is brutally cold, I just walk at my treadmill at home.

  30. I have a daughter named Capri too! Our four kids are super active which helps keep us active as a family going on walks and hikes together. Unfortunately our treadmill is more of a clothes rack at the moment. I really need to change that. Thanks for the inspiration!

  31. Great work out tips! I too just packed up our pack n play and have been making the "trek" upstairs to change diapers!

  32. My favorite fast but effective workouts are HIIT videos on youtube- short but killer workouts!

  33. I love being able to workout without working out if that makes sense. For example when the weather is nice, I love going on nature walks with my son during the day. I'm moving and getting in steps (I have a FitBit) but he thinks we are just playing.

  34. Wow! Thanks for this tips. I think I can manage to squeeze these workouts while at home :)

  35. i've never been to the gym for months, but never I skip my push ups and yoga for stretching for my me time everyday

  36. These are great ideas! I am a stay and home mom and often need to do more during the day. Thanks for the tips!

  37. These are some great workout ideas! I'm all about home workouts. The stairs being a favorite ;-)

  38. Nice. These are great ways to get movement in, while still having fun. My oldest and I have been doing sit ups together.
